Monday 26 June 2017

Research Of Waterloo Road and Dr Who

Waterloo Road
Waterloo Road was a British television drama series set in a comprehensive school of the same name, broadcast on BBC One and later also on BBC Three. The school was set in Rochdale, England from series one until the end of series seven, and from the beginning of series eight until the end of the show in series ten, the school was set in Greennock, Scotland. Waterloo Road ran for 10 series, 200 episodes and exactly 9 years.

The setting that takes place in Waterloo Road tells the audience that this TV series will last for a long time. Since it is based in a school, there will be lots of episodes about teenagers facing their problems during high school. Waterloo Road follows a multi-stand narrative where there is lots of characters and no foreseeable ending. Waterloo road uses a lot of stereotypical characters. There are many stereotypes in Waterloo Road like the nerds. These are the type of students that will get bullied for being so smart and contributing in lesson more  than other students. Another stereotypical group is the cool kids. These are the type of people that misbehave in lessons and destroy school property. Also they wear their own clothes to show how cool they are. These all meet the key conventions of TV Drama.

In season 9 episode 11,The clip from Waterloo Road suggests that the narrative is a principle who is trying to change 
the schools behavior  of the school but after seeing the new student ( Gabriella Wark ) it will become more difficult for him to do so. The first impression that she gives off to the audience is that she comes from a rich family because of the Mercedes-benz, which is expensive and the fact that their number plate is also customized showing that shes from a high social class therefore,  the students may treat her as royalty and supremacy. In season 7 episode 23, the clip from Waterloo Road suggests that the narrative is a student called josh struggles under the influence of drugs in class. After a while was not able to control him self which lead him to a cruel consequence from his teacher.

Why might audiences have enjoyed Waterloo Road?
The audience would of enjoyed Waterloo Road Because most teenagers would be able to relate themselves with this TV
Drama. Also it is very entertaining as there is a lot of stereotypical characters who behave in different ways

 Doctor Who
Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme produced by the BBC since 1963. Twelve actors have headlined the series as the Doctor. The transition from one actor to another is written into the plot of the show with the concept of regeneration into a new incarnation – an idea introduced in 1966. One of the ways it succeeds in doing that is the whole regeneration of the Doctor and then bringing in new companions along the way. It’s a character you’re familiar with but then there are different interpretations of the character so it allows people to relate to the Doctor in different ways and relate to the different companions and everyone’s got their favorite ones.

In season 3 episode 10, The clip from Doctor Who suggests that the narrative is a women called Sally Sparrow enters an abandon house to look for subjects to photograph. instead finds her self with eerie angles called the weeping angles. The women brings her friend (Kathy) to the place. Suddenly disappears. Doctor who gets on to the case and tries to find out what happened to her. 

He explores the universe in a time-traveling space ship called the Tardis. The TV Series follows a linear structure. It can be said it inhabits a Todorov structure where each story line starts with an equilibrium( the start of the adventure in which everything is in a state of normality. Then comes a problem which is then resolved by the doctor. The next episode starts with another equilibrium then followed on to a disequilibrium.

The Doctor is the main character since he is the one that travels with his companions to different planets. Like all Time Lord his life span is measured in centuries; has the ability to regenerate when close to dying. This allows the character to run for a long time and will not get old.

Audience Pleasures  
Audience Gratification Theory: Blumler and Katz
Doctor Who clearly uses diversion(escape from the real life)Since the genre is sci-fi and the narrative is based on time traveling to different plants, the audience should therefore escape from reality and join the non existent world. Doctor Who gives voyeuristic pleasures since there is a lot to discover when watching Doctor who such as planets. Also gives Vicarious pleasure because the audience may attracted their doctor character and may feel bad when something happens to them.



Sunday 25 June 2017

PPE- Own TV Drama Series

Title- Tomorrowland
Tagline- There's no limit to what you can see 
Setting- Every season is set in a different planet. First season is set in Bahara. 

Characters-The main character in the TV show  is Neeson coal. The audience will love this character since he gets in to crazy scenarios which makes the TV show intriguing to watch. Liara Moya (from Bahara) is another character that travels with Neeson and experiences things shes never seen before.

Genre-Sci-fiction/Fantasy Drama

1.Neeson Coal, a physics teacher at borrow university opens a breech and travels to an unknown planet. From there travels to different universes experiencing different adventures and more that awaits him.

2.Neeson Coal learns how to control his time machine and travels to a planet called Nava where he gets torched and interrogated for his identity and his invention.

3.Circling on fire, the time machine lands on a world where only the living dead live. Trying to find a way out, Neeson leaves him self trapped inside his own time machine surrounded with zombies.

Target audience- 15-24 due to the violence and inappropriate dialogues that are said.
Potential TV channel- broadcasted on Netflix every Tuesday at 8:00

TV Drama's USP- One of the ways it succeeds is the continuous movement to different planets, universes and  dimensions. The audience get a chance to pick their favorite place and their least favorite. Allows the audience to join in as Neeson travels to dangerous or the most beautiful places he visits.

Tomorrowland will be very successful in the competitive marketing business since its an ongoing series that is on every Tuesday until the end of the season. Each season will be a different type of adventure that will happen in a different world. This will keep the audience entertained as they would be looking forward to see the next world he visits. Every season is completely different to the previous season therefore, does not become repetitive to the audience. Tomorrowland is original  and has not been seen in any other TV show. 


Wednesday 14 June 2017

looking at the clip from Waterloo Road, it suggests the TV show is based on a high school. Also the video could suggest that the narrative is a principle who is trying to change the schools behavior  of the school but after seeing the new student ( Gabriella Wark ) it will become more difficult for him to do so. The first impression that she gives off to the audience is that she comes from a rich family because of the Mercedes-benz, which is expensive and the fact that their number plate is also customized showing that shes from a high social class therefore,  the students may treat her as royalty and supremacy.

The characters are typical of a TV drama in Waterloo Park. Considering that the school just had a fire alarm; you wont normally see students scattered around the playground. This highlights that the teaches and especially the principle don't care about the students health and safety. The clip introduces a new character called Gabriella Wark and her parents. She rebels against her parents about not wearing lipstick. This suggests that she has no discipline and has no respect over her parent's rules. Her family seems to be higher in class since they only brought their daughter to 'experience harsh reality' not for educational purposes. There are many stereotypes in Waterloo Road like the nerds. These are the type of students that will get bullied for being so smart and contributing in lesson more  than other students. Another stereotypical group is the cool kids. These are the type of people that misbehave in lessons and destroy school property. Also they wear their own clothes to show how cool they are.

In Waterloo Road, the first thing you see is uniform. From this i can interpret that the show is base in a high school. The students are carrying bags which should contain pencil case and exercise books. This also tells us that the students are ready to learn and are fully equipped.

Clearly it shows the audience that Waterloo Road is set in a high school that has no discipline. Since it is based in a high school, you would be normally be seeing fights, people revising for their upcoming exam, misbehaving in lessons. This would be a great setting for a drama television show.